Friday, January 25, 2013

Man meets dog

"Man meets dog" by Konrad Lorenz made my day. I observe Beau hypnotized by raindrops falling down and I am not sure he just wants to play with rain. It seems that my little boy is patrolling.  

"Woof! Woof!". I got it! For sure he wants to warn mummy that a huge waterfall could hurt her. His ancestors, golden jackals, have probably written it in his genes. Beau's fear should sound like an alarm, as jackals' yelps used to be perceived by stone age men. 
In a world full of dangers it should have been love at first sight and a win-win deal: leftovers for jackals, an efficient alarm for men. 

If my big boy watches my back, I can go pick up mushrooms. In case dinosaurs or wicked men would come, he will let me know.    

Too bad that I haven't a gun or a spear. This boy seems to know something about hunting... and he'd better be good at it, or what should I do with a dog that is not good for grabbing food?! This is the sad rule of nature.

Any duck?

You must be kidding me! Go and grab some real food, big boy, or I'll send you back to the forest!